Ten Reasons I Get Up at 4 AM
(most days)
When people find out that my day starts at 4 am, they tell me I am crazy. I endeavor each day to get up at 4, jump out of bed with boundless energy; trot happily to the gym; workout like a demon; get ready for work and have a highly productive day. Sometimes that happens. Sometimes I hit snooze a couple of times and and I get a small workout in. Sometimes I hit it many times and find myself cursing trying to get ready after only a shower.
So here are Ten reasons that I go to the gym at an ungodly hour (I really hope I can make it to ten)
- Because I used to be morbidly obese. I didn't like how I felt. I was tired. I had stomach problems. My back hurt. I don't want to be there again.
- I don't want my girls to struggle. There are so many young kids out there talking about being fat. I don't want that to be an issue for my kids. Self esteem starts at home. There is a problem with diabetic girls who have eating disorders. I want my girls to learn how to be fit and healthy.
- I am a busy mom, sadly, 4 am is my only guaranteed "me time".
- Showering in a locker room full of other women is the closest thing to privacy I get. I am not even kidding.
- I am a better mother, wife, friend, advocate, employee and all around human being when I have exercised.
- I am less tempted to eat crap when I have a real measurable goal and commitment. Today I was at a big trade show where there were chocolates, wine, cake, ice cream, cookies everywhere, I wasn't tempted to overdo it because I knew that I have a body composition weigh in tomorrow and I really would like to have dropped about one pound this week.
- Going to the gym before the crack of dawn allows me to avoid the rush that happens after work. I never wait for a machine, I never wait for a shower or a blow dryer.
- In the same vein as number 7, everyone who visits the gym in the wee hours of the morning knows each other by name. We give each other pointers, we chat. We're gym friends. We look out for each other.
- I feel better about myself in every single way. I feel more beautiful. I feel smarter. I feel better in my clothes. I sleep better.
- I am putting myself first. Our nurse practitioner told us upon Alison's diagnosis that if I didn't take care of myself, I couldn't take care of Alison. It took a loooong time for that one to sink in, but it finally has.
A little word of advice? Find something that makes you feel healthy and happy and puts you first for a while...Everyone in your D-family will be better for it.