Sunday, June 10, 2012

We Walked...Now We Sleep

Okay, so we completed our 3K in blistering humidity!  But what a nice route!  You could not have picked a more sunny day!

The bands played for us!  There were sponsors cheering us on!  There were bouncy castles (yes, Mommy even went through the bounce-ath-a-lon with Alison).  All in All, the Telus Walk to Cure Diabetes was a great day for the Morleys!

Alison brought in about $900, which is far higher than her $100 goal!  She was very happy when the volunteers  at the prize desk were giving her high-fives!  What a great accomplishment for a 4 year-old!

Alison was really happy and is already talking about how we can raise even more money for next years race.  She asked if Riley will be old enough to actually walk instead of being pushed in the stroller (yes, Alison insisted in walking the majority of the route).

Now everyone is knackered and ready for beddy!

Here are some pics from our day:


  1. Next time you do this, let me know. Nick and I would love to join you!
    Pauline and Nick

  2. Was a lotta fun, but man, I need to prepare better for the heat next time. :)
