Saturday, April 14, 2012

Last Thursday was Alison's first after-pump check up and I'll admit to being a bit nervous.  Okay, so the numbers don't lie, and overall we've seen better BG readings and less mood changes from highs and lows, but you still worry about what the A1Cs are going to be.  Well, she scored 6.9 which is her best ever!  Such a nice number too.

Alison has also grown 3 cm in height since February (she's now 3 feet 4 3/4 inches tall) and has put on 8 lbs (she's up to 38 lbs).  Still very slim, but not as bony as she was a few months ago.

Ali was having a lot of itching and redness from the adhesive used to keep her infusion set in place (the tubing inserted under her skin that allows the insulin to be absorbed into her body) and we learned a great tip from one of our nurses.  Tegaderm can be put on the skin and you can do the insertion kit over top of it so that it acts as a barrier between the adhesive and the like a miracle.

All in all, the pump, while a challenge at times, has been a great thing for our family.

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