Thursday, February 23, 2012

We're just over a week in and things seem to be going well.  We got the go ahead on Tuesday to stop testing Ali's BGLs at 3 am which is really nice.  Still getting her up at midnight tho.

Last night we had a major meltdown when it came to site rotation.  I used one insertion kit and Alison just cried and cried.  She said that it was unbearably sore.  I took it out and tried another spot but she was still crying like mad and insisting that it was hurting her.  I put some film over it, gave her some advil and she was doing better this am.  Word to the wise, if you plan on pumping, get some Emla cream before hand so that you can nip a situation like last nights' in the bud.

We started doing ratios today.  Ali was allowed her first afternoon snack in over a week and we didn't give her the normal set amount of carbs for dinner that we have been.  I must admit that doing the ratios according to her insulin sensitivity is a little scary for me.  Adding any additional math always is.

We're doing okay as a family.  Our team told us that this would be a very stressful time and that it was not uncommon for parents to be at each others' throats during the pump start but we've been okay for the most part.  This is surprising since exhaustion is the best word to describe our house hold these days.  Riley is the only person getting adequate sleep which means we're hauling our rear ends trying to keep up with her.

Today Alison hurt herself and Riley came over and hugged and kissed her big sis.  

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