Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Jen, Nora's Mom, from the Blue Heel Society, wrote a letter to Diabetes.  She is a wonderful writer, a brave woman and if she ever is up for sainthood, she'll get my vote.  Here's a link to her letter: Dear Diabetes,.

Jen encouraged the rest of us to write and share our own letters to Diabetes.  I want Jen to know that I tried; God knows I did.  My first attempt was an f-bomb laced diatribe.  My second attempt was a letter of a defiant and threatening nature.  The third time around I just wrote "you can't have Alison" and cried until I couldn't cry anymore.

While my attempt at a letter that I could share with all of you, one that would be therapeutic and helpful, might seem like a bust, I re-learned a lesson that keeps coming up.  My friend Tammy's mother Debbie has told me that the universe will send you the same assignment over and over again until you learn it by heart and this one is taking me a while.  IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME FOR THE PAIN OF DIAGNOSIS TO EASE, if it ever will.

I keep thinking that my life has moved on.  That I am okay with poking my child with lancets and testing her blood several times a day.  That putting tubes into her body and giving her needles is just the way it is.  That it is what it is.  That the late nights are fine.  That watching my child go through her worst moments while feeling helpless is okay.  Then I will have a day when I get that feeling like I did on the day that we were diagnosed almost two years ago.

The best way I can describe it is this.  When they told us that Alison was in Diabetic ketoacidosis , the room felt like the air had been sucked out of it.  Everyone feels it differently.  But that's what it was like for me.  When it hits me, every once in a while, it feels like that again.

The one thing I would tell Diabetes is this though, someone like Alison, who is currently running around the living room, wearing a cape calling herself Super Ali, is hard to put down and hard to be down around your very own super hero!


  1. Thank you for the kind words!! I would've loved to have read your f-bomb laced first draft!! :) I know have have days like that too!! One of the things I haven't done is cried about it. There were a few times I did...late at night, waiting for numbing cream to take hold, changing a pump site, exhausted...all the while my daughter slept through all of it!! But I have never stopped and let it out. I've been on auto drive since the day of diagnosis (almost 7 years ago)!! I guess I see it as a "problem" that I need to fix and keep moving forward. I think I'm afraid to stop and let it sink in because I feel that if I truly let myself "feel" it I won't ever move forward. I'll curl up in a ball and never get up. But then...her pump would alarm for something and I would have to!! It just sucks! I hate diabetes but I love that I've been able to "meet" some very awesome people fighting the fight right along with me!! Thanks so much!! You are rockin' it D Momma!! xoxo Jen

  2. Would you mind contacting me at jen@blueheelsociety.org or find me on fb Jen Hamilton Loving?? Got a question to ask you :)
